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Curated Book Collections

Best of Fiction

Although these novels may be fiction, these New England-raised authors bring an authentic and special knowledge of people, place, and details to their writing. Explore the best fiction picks with an insider as your guide. 


Best of Nonfiction

It's not always easy to live in Maine. These authors have stared down hard work, poverty, and isolation to continue on in the state they call home. These harrowing and heartwarming stories will motivate every reader to overcome challenges and thrive.

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Thrills and Chills

A good mystery gets your heart racing, keeps you up at night reading, and works your mind. And it's all the better when it's set in Maine.

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An Outdoor Escape

The Maine woods and the great outdoors are both near-mythical places where reality and imagination create joy,  challenge and wonder. These authors take you deep into the wilderness, guide you on lakes and rivers, and explore the trails and wildlife of their beloved state.

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Small Town Charm 

With quirky neighborhood characters, trademark humor and insight, and the difficult journeys that small town communities tackle together, these books will give you a slice of small town charm that will warm the heart of any reader.

Children's & Middle Grade

The best selection of books to entertain the young ones in the family, from baby board books to bedtime stories to backseat road trip reads. 

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